What is Microblading?

 Microblading is a type of permanent makeup treatment where pigment is implanted into the second layer of skin through a manual process creating hairlike strokes. The artist carefully designs your brows based on your facial structure, precise measurements, natural brow hair and your desired look. This dexterous technique gives the illusion of real hair. The effects last from one to three years but it is recommended to have an annual Color Boost to keep your brows looking fresh. The pain is minimal. The area is numbed with a topical lidocaine numbing cream along with a medical grade numbing gel or liquid throughout the procedure. The initial healing of the broken skin takes 9 days. A Touch Up session is done 6-10 weeks after your Microblading procedure. It is a necessary part of the process to complete your new look.

➤ Microblading is about life-changing and long-lasting results.

- Save precious time by never having to fill in your brows with makeup again.

- Enhance existing brows with stunning shape and lift.

- Improve sparse brows caused by over plucking, medications, natural aging, etc.

- The beautiful new shape and added definition lifts the eyes for a younger look.

- Your new microbladed hair strokes add thickness and result in natural looking brows.

Healing Process


The healing process for Microblading varies for every client. Every client’s body and skin reacts to the treatment different but PROPER AFTERCARE WILL ALWAYS GIVE THE BEST RESULTS. Some common side effects to expect are:

- Red or pink tenderness in the area. It’s commonly compared to feeling like a sunburn.

- Mild swelling.

- Moderate scabbing 3-5 days after the procedure. Scabs will start to flake off between days

4-7. DO NOT PICK OFF. Allow them to fall of naturally.

- Eyebrows will appear darker until the scabs naturally flake off.

- After scabs are shed, the pigment might look light, grey or blurry.

- In 4 weeks, after your brows are completely healed, the pigment will return to full color.

- There’s no downtime, or need to “hideout” during the healing process.

Before and After your treatment

Here is a list of things Not To Do in order to prepare for the best Microblading results:

- Do not take ibuprofen or aspirin the day of your treatment (thins the blood).

- Do not consume coffee/caffeine at least 4 hours before treatment.

- Do not exercise heavily the day of the treatment.

- Do not drink alcohol 24-48 hours before the treatment.

- Do not take vitamin E or fish oil 3 days before the treatment (also thins blood).

- Do not wax or tint your eyebrows 3 days before the treatment.

- Do not suntan 2 weeks prior or have a sunburned face. (effects the color)

- Do not have any type of facials or chemical peels 2 weeks prior.

- Discontinue Vitamin A (Retinol) presciption products 1 month prior to treatment and

over-the-counter products 1 week prior.

- Do not have Botox 3 weeks prior.

- Must be off the prescription Accutane for 1 year.